Welcome to ASTHRA 2024
05 - 06 th, Dec 2024
St Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
About Asthra 2024
St. Thomas College, Thrissur, is the oldest Catholic College in Kerala and is the first
College to have been established by diocesan clergy in India and is older than all the
Universities in Kerala. It was founded as an educational institution in 1889. The
department of Mathematics started in the year 1926 and presently offers research in
Mathematics along with two UG and one PG courses in Mathematics. The department
consistently maintains a high level academic excellence and intends to produce highly
qualified and motivated Mathematicians.
The Mathematics Department in STC holds the record for having the largest number
of students within the department. With over 10+ professors and 300 students we clearly
have a lot of strength. And with that strength comes a lot of talent and capabilities.
When it comes to creativity and imagination, we clearly don’t fall short
So We,
The Department of Mathematics,St Thomas
College(Autonomous) Thrissur are proud to present our
first ever grand fest 'Asthra 2024' on December 5th and
6th.The fest will be a colourful combination of
maths,culture and entertainment and will surely be a one
of a kind experience.
Come join us as we create joy and unforgettable moments.
Thank you.

Dr Fr Martin K.A.
Faculty Co-ordinator
Mr Renjith Varghese.
Dr Viji M.
Student Coordinator
Mr Abhishek A
Event Schedule
Kaviprathibha Hall
Prof. M D Paul memorial Intercollegiate-interschool Maths Quiz
Menachery Hall
Msgr Dr Moothedan Memorial Lecture Series
Kaviprathibha Hall
AC 118- AC 119
Log-ic Aptitude competition
AC 121
Decrypto Puzzle competition
AC 120
Nalanda Hall (Santhome Athenaeum)
AC 118- AC 119
Πthon coding
B.Voc Data Science Lab
Find X
AC 120 – AC 121
Fashion Show
Palocaren square
Our Sponsors